release notes

Post date: September 29, 2021 10:43 AM

  • Issue 1944 - JetBrains 2021.2 support status - So far things are either going well for folks on 2021.2 since unlocking compatibility with it, or things aren't going well and folks aren't reporting the issues that they're having...or perhaps people are staying on 2021.1.3 until the remaining 2021.2 issues have been addressed by JetBrains. For now I'm just going to assume that silence is golden, but if you are on 2021.2 and are having issues with it, please let me know via either email or Issue 1944 so that I can have proper visibility into how things are really going. Thanks!

  • Issue 1983 - Fixed an issue where an incorrect type name would be used in the signature of an extracted method where the return type and/or formal parameter types are inner types of a different top-level class than the one that will contain the extracted method.

  • Fixed a few other issues similar to the one in issue 1983, primarily with the quick fix to generate an implementation of an unresolvable declaration. In the process I found another 2021.2 regression related to the underlying templating mechanism used when stubbing such declarations and logged it with JetBrains as IDEA-279205.

  • Implemented special handling for the issue described here with the WaveRecipe metadata type where instances also have a default WaveDataflow instance with the same name that's not reported by the metadata API. The latter is now automatically added to the org's list of metadata objects, and it also treats the WaveDataflow metadata type as not allowing wildcards to ensure that entries are listed explicitly in package.xml files used for retrieval and deployment. Otherwise a wildcard-based request for that metadata type will omit the default instances for WaveRecipe instances.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the connection status bar widget not displaying properly for newly-created source format projects until after the project window has been closed and reopened.

  • Tried to eliminate a number of errors and warnings, both presented to the end user–specifically the errors relating to Apache CXF fetching resources via the classloader with a leading slash–and in idea.log–specifically those warning about indeterminate progress indicators.

  • Updated the 2021.2 warning notification displayed when the IDE is started to be more specific about the host IDE product name and how to download a properly supported version for those having issues.

  • Other related fixes and improvements.