release notes

Post date: June 14, 2021 10:12 AM

  • Summer '21 / API v52.0 Updates

    • Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on API v52.0 WSDLs.

    • Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 52.0.

    • Added 52.0 as an available API version number for configured connections.

    • Updated metadata.xsd used for validation and completion in metadata XML files to API v52.0.

    • Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for system API changes in API v52.0.

    • Added apexTestAccess and release properties to the JSON schema for sfdx-project.json files.

    • Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Summer '21.

    • Updated the bundled SLDS to 2.15.8.

    • Updated all integrated API documentation.

    • Added XML file type associations for new metadata type file extensions.

  • Issue 1895 - With a bit of creative scripting and some serious abuse of the limits in one of my orgs, I was able to derive strong data types for pretty much all untyped fields in the ConnectApi namespace types. There are still a handful of remaining untyped fields, but they're ones that are reported by the Tooling API but result in errors when referenced in Apex above a particular version as they're no longer part of the API. This should provide a very high-fidelity version of the ConnectApi types in the OST.

  • Issue 1914 - Fixed an issue with missing polymorphic relationship information when polymorphic fields are present in local project .object or .field-meta.xml files.

  • Issue 1917 - Fixed an issue that would occur when sfdx-project.json is malformed and cannot be parsed. Previously the error would only be logged and the null parsed project data would be retained until the project was closed and reopened. Now the parse error is presented to the user, and once the file can again be parsed, it is properly loaded again.

  • Fixed an issue with resolution of local declarations in Apex scratch files.