release notes
Post date: Feb 15, 2021 2:57:46 PM
Spring '21 / API v51.0 Updates
Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on API v51.0 WSDLs.
Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 51.0.
Added 51.0 as an available API version number for configured connections.
Updated metadata.xsd used for validation and code completion in metadata XML files to API v51.0.
Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for changes in API v51.0.
Added support for the @InvocableMethod annotation Callout parameter.
Added support for the new SOQL FIELDS() function including a new Apex/SOQL live template, SELF, that generates:
SELECT FIELDS(<Scope>) FROM <SObjectType> LIMIT <RowLimit>
<Scope> is selected from [ALL, SYSTEM, CUSTOM]
<SObjectType> is of course selected from the list of SObject types
<RowLimit> is the maximum number of rows returned with a default of 200
This is not intended as a replacement for the existing SEL* live template which explicitly lists all scalar fields in the SELECT clause. That is still a very useful mechanism for creating detailed SOQL queries. Instead it's meant to be an alternative for when a specific subset of fields and/or a more compact representation of the syntax for querying fields en masse is desired.
Added support for the new custom metadata type getAll()/getInstance() finder methods. The OST must be regenerated to see the effect of this change.
Updated the modifier agreement code inspection to warn when an @AuraEnabled property is found with a private read accessor/getter.
Add a code inspection to denote usages of Aura components in the ui namespace as deprecated with a link to the corresponding release notes entry that documents the migration paths to the corresponding lightning namespace components.
Add a code inspection to denote usages of SLDS BEM notation as deprecated with a quick fix to convert the usage to underscore notation.
Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Spring '21.
Updated the bundled SLDS to 2.14.1 (sanitized version).
Updated the SFDX JSON schema definitions.
Updated the standard value set names.
Updated all integrated API documentation.