release notes
Post date: Nov 13, 2020 3:30:51 PM
Issue 1747 - Changed the base type parameter for Database.Batchable from SObject to Object since it's evidently allowable to parameterize by non-SObject types.
Issue 1748 - When implementing interface methods in inner types, the minimum visibility of the generated implemented methods is now public since an interface method must always be public or global by definition. NOTE: The OST must be regenerated to see the effect of this change.
Issue 1753 - Corrected the definition of Auth.AuthProviderPluginClass to implement Auth.AuthProviderPlugin and denote the refresh method as virtual so that it can be overridden in derived classes. NOTE: The OST must be regenerated to see the effect of this change.
Automatic metadata subscription management now works properly with scratch orgs configured to behave as non-scratch orgs.
Fixed an NPE introduced in when starting the offline debugger from anonymous Apex.
Fixed a binary incompatibility with the upcoming 2020.3 release.