release notes

Post date: Sep 24, 2020 2:8:10 PM

  • Issue 1693 - Additional performance optimization for the case-insensitive filename index.

  • Implemented a potentially significant deployment performance optimization that is used when:

    • Working against a source format project/module configured for a non-scratch org.

    • Deploying metadata which cannot be handled by the Tooling API deployer.

    • Deploying any combination of metadata files which all have the same on-disk representation in both source and metadata formats, in particular Apex classes/triggers, Visualforce pages/components, Aura bundles, and LWC bundles.

    • This type of deployment request will now be handled directly via the native Metadata API deployer instead of the Salesforce CLI's force:source:deploy command. All other deployment requests against source format projects/modules configured for non-scratch orgs will still use the CLI. The benefits realized by this optimization will vary based on the host OS (Windows will likely benefit the most), project/module size, etc. The greatest benefits observed so far have been in the deployment of individual LWC bundle files which could previously take tens of seconds and now take only a few seconds (ignoring any deployment request queueing in both scenarios).