release notes
Post date: May 27, 2020 4:27:26 PM
JavaScript and CSS syntax highlighting improvements in Community Edition IDEs - JetBrains IDEs now include the TextMate Bundles plugin which provides significantly improved syntax highlighting for file types that aren't supported in a first-class manner by the base IDE, notably JavaScript and CSS in Community Edition (CE) IDEs. Illuminated Cloud can now assist users of CE IDEs with configuration of TextMate Bundles for JavaScript and CSS syntax highlighting. Note that due to restrictions in the plugin SDK around automated changes to file type associations, changes to the associations for *.js and *.css must be performed manually by the user. Illuminated Cloud will inform the user of the exact changes needed and will open the appropriate settings dialog in which the changes should be made. Conversely, Illuminated Cloud can also detect when JetBrains' commercial IDEs are not properly configured for native JavaScript and CSS support and assist with proper native file type association configuration.