release notes

Post date: Nov 14, 2019 6:5:49 PM

  • Lightning Web Components enhancements

    • Code completion for all Salesforce-specific ES6 import types:

      • Standard modules

      • Standard (lightning namespace) components

      • Custom components (must reside in project)

      • @AuraEnabled Apex symbols (must reside in project)

      • Schema objects and fields

      • Static resources and content assets (must reside in project)

      • Custom labels (must reside in project)

      • I18N information

    • Reference injection/navigation for all imported modules and symbols (commercial base IDEs only; not available in Community Edition base IDEs).

      • NOTE: - This ensures that renames of ES6 symbols, Apex symbols, static resources, and content assets propagate to the respective import statement references in LWC ES6 source.

    • New live templates for ES6 import creation:

      • importitems - Creates an import { b } from 'a'; statement stopping at a and then b respectively. This live template has already been available in commercial base IDEs but is now also available in Community Edition base IDEs.

      • importitems2 - Creates an import { } from 'a'; statement stopping at a and allowing further code completion of the imported module. Use importitems when importing from a fully-qualified name, e.g., lwc or @salesforce/user/Id, and importitems2 when importing from the stem of other names, e.g., @salesforce/apex/ or @salesforce/schema/.

      • importdefault - Creates an import b from 'a'; statement stopping at a and then b respectively. This live template has already been available in commercial base IDEs but is now also available in Community Edition base IDEs.

      • importdefault2 - Creates an import from 'a'; statement stopping at a and allowing further code completion of the imported module. Use importdefault when importing from a fully-qualified name, e.g., lwc or @salesforce/user/Id, and importdefault2 when importing from the stem of other names, e.g., @salesforce/apex/ or @salesforce/schema/.

    • Improved JavaScript/ES6 syntax highlighting in Community Edition IDEs when *.js is associated with the JavaScript Files (Improved Syntax Highlighting) file type. Community Edition IDE users are prompted to switch to the new file type after initial update to this version of the plugin or higher.

    • Added a module validation rule to exclude .sfdx/typings to remove resolution ambiguity.

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect reporting of LWC deployment errors in non-scratch org projects. Reported errors should again be properly linked to the corresponding source code.

  • Other fixes and improvements.