release notes

Post date: Oct 30, 2019 3:38:56 PM

  • Refactored the SFDX-dev-against-any-org deployer to use the Salesforce CLI to submit the deployment job and IC's native deployer to provide ongoing status and results. This provides much more detailed deployment and test execution progress information and works around a number of deployment error reporting bugs in the Salesforce CLI.

  • Deployment, retrieval, and removal success information in the Messages view is now hyperlinked to the corresponding source files.

  • Added No Namespace and No Ancestors options to the scratch org creation dialog.

  • Added online help links pointing to the User Guide for the following:

    • Application-level configuration

    • License management

    • Apex code style configuration

    • Scratch org creation

    • OAuth connection creation

    • Metadata subscription management

    • As new topics are added to the User Guide, they will be similarly integrated into the online help system.

  • Fixed a recent regression in method and call hierarchies caused by an incompatible plugin SDK change.

  • Fixed a recent regression to the top-level Apex type/trigger rename refactoring that prevented the type/trigger with the old name from being removed from the organization.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause unit tests to be reported as ignored/skipped when they have completed successfully but the log couldn't be retrieved.

  • Updated to TurboActivate

  • Other fixes and improvements.