release notes

Post date: Sep 18, 2019 5:59:55 PM

  • Issue 788 / Issue 1035 / Issue 1067 / Issue 1283 / likely others - Illuminated Cloud now handles child metadata types properly during metadata deployment/retrieval/delete and metadata subscription management:

    • It is now possible to deploy, retrieve, or delete specific child metadata objects without being required to transfer the entire containing file. Previously this was possible in Salesforce DX dev-against-any-org modules for decomposed metadata and to a limited extent in all non-scratch org modules for retrieval and delete. It should now work properly in all non-scratch org modules (and even in scratch org modules using raw deploy/retrieve/delete actions) and for all composite metadata types.

      • NOTE: - Errors reported for selective deployment of child metadata objects may include line numbers which do not correspond to the original source files due to the selective extraction of child metadata XML elements.

    • Child metadata in the deploy/retrieve/delete dialog is now displayed directly beneath the corresponding parent metadata in child metadata type-specific sub-folders.

    • The deploy/retrieve/delete dialog now clearly identifies child metadata that is included in the subscription implicitly by inclusion of its parent metadata (Subscribed by Parent) and unsubscribed parent metadata that is displayed because of subscribed children (Included by Child). The former can be filtered out of the dialog if desired using the corresponding filter checkbox.

    • When creating a custom metadata selection in the deploy/retrieve/delete dialog, selection of unsubscribed metadata shows temporarily subscribed by explicit selection to identify one-off selections clearly.

    • The Add to Metadata Subscription action now properly processes composite metadata files. If a file contains both parent- and child-level customizations, only the parent is added to the subscription; if the file contains only child-level customizations, only the specific children are added. If children are added to a subscription which already includes the parent explicitly or via wildcard, no changes are made.

  • Issue 268 - Added a first-class Compare With Server action (previously available only in the deploy/retrieve/delete dialog). This new action is available on the toolbar, drop-down menu, and context menu as well as via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+= on Windows/Linux and Cmd+Opt+Shift+= on Mac. This action retrieves server copies of all locally-selected metadata (recursively) for display in the IDE's configured diff tool.

  • Made the Compare With Server action in the deploy/retrieve/delete dialog support multiple selections. If an unsubscribed parent metadata object is requested for comparison, the user is now prompted whether to compare only the subscribed children of that parent or against the full parent object.

  • Added support for as-you-type validation in Salesforce DX dev-against-any-org modules. When possible Illuminated Cloud will use the Tooling API for check-only deployments, but when a Tooling API deployment option is not available be aware that check-only deployments via the Salesforce CLI can be quite slow at present resulting in potential lag before validation results are available.

  • Issue 1414 - Fixed an OST generation issue with custom metadata type fields that are references to entity definitions and field definitions. Previously these fields would be rendered into the OST as String-valued properties with no corresponding relationship properties. Now they are properly rendered as an Id and EntityDefinition/FieldDefinition relationship pair.

    • NOTE: You must regenerate your OST (at least the SObjects) for this fix to take effect.

  • Fixed an OST generation issue where the UserRecordAccess field was missing.

    • NOTE: You must regenerate your OST (at least the SObjects) for this fix to take effect.

  • Fixed a number of issues with metadata management, particularly in Salesforce DX dev-against-any-org modules.

  • Other fixes and improvements.