release notes

Post date: Aug 06, 2019 7:14:29 PM

  • Issue 1379 - Fixed an issue that occurred for (at least) one user where the log operation was returned as a numeric value instead of a string value.

  • Issue 1380 - Fixed an NPE that could occur when trying to execute anonymous Apex without first selecting a log level preset.

  • Issue 1381 - Adjusted the log level configuration panel layout so that it fits properly on lower resolution screens. Screens down to 1366 px width should be fine in all cases; screens with 1280 px width are fine in Log Analyzer and Anonymous Apex but are still slightly truncated in Apex unit test and offline debugger run configuration dialogs. Getting things working on those screens will require a larger layout change, so I'd be curious to hear from folks working on such screens.

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing new SFDX project creation in some situations.

  • Fixed an issue that occurred during metadata retrieval when there are multiple source roots and just confirming the module configuration dialog doesn't save the default source root.