release notes
Post date: Feb 15, 2019 3:0:26 PM
Issue 1165 - Metadata denoted as coming from an installed package with no namespace is now available for inclusion in subscriptions and for deployment/retrieval. This should allow users to work with metadata from unlocked packages without namespaces. Note that there will be a second change in the near future that will retain the full bodies of Apex classes denoted as such in the OST so that even if they are not included in project source, they will still be available for perusal and stepping through during offline debugging.
LWC deployment error reporting improvements. There are several patterns for these types of errors, and one that includes line/column number information as part of the message itself is now parsed and handled so that the exact reported location is properly linked from the error.
Improvements to SFDX scratch org details caching. Details should need to be reloaded much less frequently now and only when actually required.