release notes (LWC beta support)
Post date: Dec 13, 2018 3:20:28 PM
Lightning Web Components (LWC) Support (beta)
Note that you must also have access to an LWC-enabled early access organization until the feature is released for general-availability
LWC development in both traditional/MDAPI and Salesforce DX projects
Code completion for standard and custom LWC components and their attributes
Reference injection/navigation for usages of ES6 properties and methods in template markup braced expressions
Integrated documentation for standard and custom LWC components and their attributes
Tabbed editor support for LWC bundle files
Tight integration with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition and WebStorm ES6 editor capabilities including:
Web Components template markup support
NPM-based dependency resolution - right-click on package.json and choose Run 'npm install' to instruct the IDE to resolve all NPM dependencies
Multi-language refactoring capabilities - renaming an ES6 property or method will update references in template markup braced expressions
File template-based creation of LWC components and supporting files:
Template markup
Component ES6 class/module
CSS style
meta.xml file
ES6 support/helper classes
Jest tests
Not Yet Implemented / Known Issues
ES6+ support in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (CE). The limited support for JavaScript and CSS in CE is provided by a JavaScript parser without ES6+ support and with no knowledge of technologies such as NPM. As a result, JavaScript features in CE will be very limited relative to the experience offered by IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (UE) and WebStorm (WS) which include JetBrains' full HTML5/JavaScript/CSS editors and framework support. While I may look for an alternative JavaScript parser to provide better ES6 handling in CE, the LWC experience will always be dramatically better when using IC with either UE or WS.
Proper handling of special import...from '@salesforce/* directives in ES6 files. This will be be addressed shortly.
Code completion for component attributes with constrained/enumerated values. This information is not yet available in Salesforce's standard component definitions.
Some valid attributes of system components are also missing from Salesforce's standard component definitions and will therefore not be offered as code completions until those omissions are addressed.
Fully-integrated Jest testing. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition and WebStorm provide first-class support for Jest test execution. However, currently there is some configuration/context that must be provided to the test runner for LWC Jest tests to execute successfully. I will be working with Salesforce to resolve this issue so that Jest tests can be executed in a first-class manner. In the interim, it is possible to execute Jest tests from the npmtool window (right-click on package.json and choose Show npm scripts, then double-click test:unit).
Tooling API-based deployment of LWC bundle files in traditional/MDAPI projects. There doesn't appear to be support for (typically faster) REST-based updating of LWC bundle files as there is for Aura bundle files. If/when the Tooling API provides support, IC will be updated accordingly. In the interim LWC components are always deployed via the Metadata API.
LWC deployment errors are not well-structured at this point. IC currently attempts to process deployment error messages to determine the correct associated source files for accurate error annotation, but there may still be unexpected/unhandled patterns and/or incorrect inference of the associated source file.