release notes
Post date: Oct 29, 2018 4:11:41 PM
Issue 1056 - Major performance optimization for SOAP API client initialization on first access. If you've ever been annoyed at the long pause the first time Illuminated Cloud makes a call to Salesforce after starting the IDE--and I know that I have!--then you'll likely enjoy this change as it reduces that pause to the bare minimum required for the SOAP client functionality required by Illuminated Cloud. NOTE: I've had a number of people helping to burn in this change over the past month or so, but there is a possibility that changing the SOAP client could break access to some org types. If that's the case, please let me know ASAP so that I can provide access to the previous build until the issue is resolved to avoid any interruption in the ability to use Illuminated Cloud.
Issue 1145 - Fixed an issue with rendering of ChangeEvent and Feed objects in the OST. If you have been affected by this issue, you will need to regenerate at least the SObjects portion of your OST after taking this update.
Issue 1149 - Fixed an issue with rendering of System.SandboxPostCopy into the OST as an Apex class instead of an Apex interface. If you have been affected by this issue, you will need to regenerate your OST after taking this update.
Issue 1150 - Added support for lightning:messages.
Fixed a few issues with references search for SObject fields, in particular for fields with the same name across multiple SObjects.
Major improvements to the generated documentation headers for SObject fields in the OST. Now most of the field details--data type, constraints, encryption scheme, picklist field values, formulas, default values, etc.--are rendered into the OST and available for integrated API documentation. You will need to regenerate at least the SObjects portion of your OST after taking this update to see these improvements.
The organization namespace, when set, is now treated as an implicit namespace for purposes of code completion, reference resolution, etc.
Improved behavior during license key re-verification with the licensing servers, in particular for those requiring offline activation due to limited public network access.
Improved behavior when subscriptions are reported as expired by the licensing metadata.