release notes
Post date: Aug 27, 2018 6:39:43 PM
Issue 1071 - Now anytime that metadata creation is required as part of deployment, the entire request is automatically routed through the Metadata API.
Issue 1073 - It is now valid to select a package.xml file that is not a descendant of the project root directory. Note that in these situations, the fully-qualified path to the file is stored instead of the project-relative path which can result in IDE project configuration that is not portable across environments.
Issue 1088 - Added a new Apex live template, tst that generates or surrounds the current selection with: Test.startTest(); { [selection]caretEndsHere } Test.stopTest();
Fixed an issue that could occur when trying to use the Offline Apex Debugger against a test run configuration that includes more than one Apex class.
Provided more explicit feedback when trying to load scripts into the Anonymous Apex or SOQL Query tool windows without the correct file extension, either .apex or .soql respectively.