release notes
Post date: Feb 19, 2018 6:56:3 PM
Issues 640 and 857 - All subscriber-editable packaged metadata can now be added to metadata subscriptions and managed as part of the project.
Issue 867 - Fixed an issue with references to SObject fields in constructor initializer lists when the field is named the same as the SObject type.
Issue 868 - Standard tabs can now be added to metadata subscriptions and managed as part of the project.
Issue 874 - Fixed an issue with method override/implementation linking when type parameters are narrowed, e.g., List<SObject> is overridden/implemented using List<Contact>.
Issue 882 - Fixed an issue with @TestVisible annotations on enum types providing access to enum constants.
Issue 885 - Fixed an issue with the recent Debug Only filter in unit test results not properly restoring code hyperlinks after being toggled.
Fixed an issue with dedicated login conflict detection not properly recording last retrieved metadata times thereby resulting in false positives.
Fixed an issue with module validation not running after changing project configuration in a way that makes a module invalid, e.g., changing to a connection without an OST.
Fixed another class of "Test Ignored" issues. Hopefully most of these will now report the underlying issues at the class level.
Other minor fixes and enhancements.